February 27, 2020

Historical Context of Hendrick v. JR Motorsports, #25 v. #88, and More

Most people including those working within NASCAR and perhaps even many associated with Hendrick Motorsports (HMS) and JR Motorsports (JRM) likely don’t recognize that the success […]
January 31, 2019

End of Jayski? And the Time We Scooped Him and the Rest of the National Media.

Another indication it’s the end of one era for NASCAR… news this week of the apparent unceremonious cessation of Jayski via ESPN. For anyone who worked in […]
January 4, 2019

Thank Someone Impactful – Kenny Delco

No one successful in business (or life) reached any goals without direct or tacit support, input or opportunities facilitated by others – there are a million […]
September 10, 2018

Know Your Dance Partner

I often find myself reminding clients of the importance of performing at least some basic background checking on any person or party doing business with you […]
July 19, 2018

The NASCAR Team Sponsorship Climate and Forecast – Loss vs. Gain?

#NASCAR remains a key sport and asset with tremendous benefits/values to partners; however, the trends re: the teams’ primary source of revenue (sponsorship) remain a significant […]
May 31, 2018

Riding Along with WJ at 200MPH

  Back in January 1996 when I first joined CV Products, the company was growing and had an outstanding reputation within the motor sports parts industry […]